You’ve Heard of KonMari. Now Get Ready For 20-20 Rule

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Marie Kondo inspired millions of people around the world to get rid of the items that don’t spark joy, but this isn’t the only question you should be asking yourself when trying to declutter your home.

If KonMari method failed, the 20-20 rule might get the job done.

This cleaning technique suggests you should get rid of just-in-case possessions that are easily replicable. Long story short, if an item can be replaced for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes from your current location – you don’t need it all.

It goes without saying you won’t be getting rid of the items you’re using on daily basis. Many of them aren’t worth more than $20, but that doesn’t mean you should throw a brand-new nail polish or your favorite house plant in the trash. This method only concerns those items that you’re keeping if you need them in case of some hypothetical future scenario that will never come.

If you haven’t felt the need to use them in months – even years – there’s no point in keeping this junk. Clear up your mind and space by selling or donating all the items that aren’t serving any purpose, and if you happen to need them again – they’ll be 20 minutes away.