5 Small Changes to Make Today That Will Have a Big Impact on Your Health

Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

How many times have you set huge goals for yourself only to realize you’ll never going to achieve them? Perhaps the whole problem was in your approach. It’s often best to break your goals into small steps that are easier to do – finishing them will give you the much-needed boost to continue going.

Here are 5 small changes you can make today that will actually have a big positive impact on your health over time.

  • Add 20 minutes of exercise every week. If you’re currently not active at all, 20 minutes per week is all you have to do. Build up when you start feeling bored.
  • Cut out one cigarette per day. If you’re an active smoker who wants to quit, you probably find it overwhelming. That’s alright, nobody says you can’t start small. Cutting back one cigarette at a time will allow your body to adjust if you’re not using nicotine adjustment therapy.
  • Add one more vegetable to your menu. Think of a vegetable you don’t eat very often and find a bunch of recipes with it. You can switch up a vegetable every week if you get bored.
  • Have one fewer drink when you go out. Keep in mind that there’s a line that you can easily cross when you’re out having fun. If you already know how your nights usually go, try to either skip the last drink or to replace one with a glass of water.
  • Add half an hour of sleep to your nights. Life probably won’t let you sleep in during the weeknights, but you can try going to bed earlier. You’ll notice the difference after just a few nights.