Creative Ways to Use Leftover Coffee

Photo by Merlene Goulet on Unsplash

All of us have leftover coffee so often, but we have no idea how to creatively use it. We did some research and found the coolest, smartest ways to make something out of it.

Make Ice Cubes

Did you know that you can actually spice up drinks with coffee cubes? The procedure is very simple. Pour the leftover coffee in the ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. Wait for the liquid to turn into ice and you can literally add to any drink that you like.

Make Ice Cream

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Things get even better if it features your favorite flavor. Just find a recipe online that works best for you and you’ll have a cold dessert to enjoy in without throwing the waste away.

Use It For Baking

If you are one of those people who love baking, don’t throw away leftover coffee. Feel free to add it to most baked goods for a very unique and delicious taste. Think of a coffee cake, muffins or cookies.

Use It For The Plants

Yes, there are types of plants which can be watered with leftovers of coffee. These are the acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas, azaleas, camellias and more.