Do Not Put These Foods in the Fridge!

Image by difisher from Pixabay

Looking inside your refrigerator and finding moldy, wrinkly, and totally untouched produce. Leaving things inside of your fridge when they aren’t supposed to be there is one of the best ways to create more food waste.

Food waste not only fills our landfills, but it also empties your wallet. So, if you want to make less waste and use all the food you buy during your shopping, find out where all of your produce should really be stored.


Potatoes are too sensitive to be put into the fridge, but they should always be in a dark place so that they don’t start sprouting. The best place to keep them is a drawer or cupboard that is nice and dark. Also, don’t leave them next to onions or they’ll go bad faster.

Onions and Garlic

The rules for potatoes are the same for onions and garlic. Even though you have to keep them away from potatoes, you can always put any type of onion and garlic together in a safe dark place.


If you buy slightly underripe tomatoes, but them in a paper bag and store them in a cool, dark place until they fully ripen. Once they do, you can just leave them out on the counter, no fridge necessary!

The cold from the fridge is actually one of the ways they get mealy, so don’t do it!