Famous Drinks to Try in Latin America

Drinking beverages that were created or popularized in a place is such a great way to understand an area through the food. When you travel, especially in South and Central America, make sure to try a sample of these local drinks to really get a feel for the cultures and appreciate the local produce used to make them.

Agua Fresca

In Mexico, especially in the summer, an agua fresca, which literally means fresh or cool water, is the way to go. This slightly sweet, very refreshing drink is made usually from just water and fruit, or sometimes flowers like hibiscus.


Horchata was actually created first in North Africa long ago using tiger nuts, and then was taken by the Spanish and thereby transferred to Latin America. However, the horchata that is enjoyed now throughout the continent is very different from the original, and is made from a rice milk base and often has delicious cinnamon as well.


A refresco is essentially a fruit smoothie with a water or milk base, but it special because it is made with local tropical fruits so it is extra sweet and delicious. Refrescos as really common in Costa Rica, but you can find some type in most other Latin American countries.