How to Intensify your Squats

Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash

Ok, so you’ve mastered the basic squat, your form is correct, and you are lifting a good amount of weight, but now you want something more intense. There are so many things you can add to the basic squat to keep your workouts more interesting. You can change the pace, mix it up with a different stance, use weightlifting shoes or add a box.  All of these will add something to your workout and give you better results.

Changing the Pace

Changing the tempo of the move can really intensify the work you do on your legs and glutes. You can go down for 3 counts and come up for 1. Go down for a count of 2 and up for 2 or you can go down for 3 counts hold at the bottom for 2 and come up for 1.

Different Stance

Doing a different stance with the squat can push you harder and make the move more effective. Try the sumo squat where your legs are further apart and the weight is held in between the legs. This will target more of the inside leg muscles.

Box Squat

A poor range of motion is a common mistake with the squat. Most people want to add weight without reaching their desired depth or range of motion. So if you are having problems put a box behind you and squat down on to the box to achieve a 90-degree knee bend.