If You Need a New Toner But Want it Natural, These DIY Toners are for You!

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Toner is a great addition to a beauty routine every few days or more if you feel like you need it. Toners tighten up your pores and give you smoother looking skin, but some store-bought ones can really be bad for your skin. Make your own DIY toners easily with simple ingredients and have the skin you’ve always wanted!

Oily Skin

Since lemon is high in acidity, it helps extract the extra oil that is secreted from your pores. For this toner, just mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice with 1 cup of filtered water or witch hazel and apply a bit to the skin with a cotton pad. Make sure you only use this at night because the lemon will make your skin too sensitive for the sun during the day.

Dry Skin

Because they are mostly water, using cucumber as part of your toner routine will definitely help your drying skin by rehydrating it. Leave some sliced cucumber in witch hazel and apply.


Apple cider vinegar is good for so many things, including toning all sorts of skin. Whether you have oily or dry or even somewhere in between, the natural antibiotic properties and can help regulate the pH of your skin. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water and apply.
