How to Apply the KonMari Method to Your Instagram Feed

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Most of us spend at least an hour a day scrolling through our Instagram feed, but does this practice actually spark joy? Applying the KonMari method to your social media accounts could help you feel much better, and we’re here to show you how to get there.

Mute Button

Some people you know in person are a must-follow because you want to stay on good terms with them, but their Instagram stories can be pretty draining. Instead of completely erasing them from your feed, use a mute option instead.

Be Honest

If you’re following dozens of beauty, fitness, and fashion influencers online, try to figure out if their posts actually ignite happiness within you. If you’re comparing your life to their seemingly perfect one, it’s time to push that unfollow button.

Old Acquaintances

It’s pretty brutal to unfollow someone you get to see on a regular basis, but what about random people you went to high school with years ago and never talk to again? If you don’t enjoy scrolling through their feed and don’t care what they’re up to, don’t feel bad about unfollowing them.