Natural DIY Fabric Softener Recipe

Making your own detergent, shampoo, conditioner, fabric softener, cleaning products is the best thing you can think of. Instead of opting for store-bought alternatives which are filled with chemicals, you can always choose the natural version. These products are safe for your whole family and for the environment as well. If you want your clothes to be super-soft and smell amazingly, check out the recipe below.


For this DIY fabric softener you need 1/2 cup baking soda, 2 cups of Epsom salt, 20-30 drops of essential oil, and a container. For the essential oil you can use whichever type that you like. It can also be a mix of several different ones. When it comes to the Epsom salt, a good substitute is sea salt as well.


Get a bowl and combine the 2 cups of Epsom salt with the 20-30 drops of essential oil or oils. Mix the ingredients well, then add 1/2 cup of baking soda. Stir again until everything is blended together. Fill the container with the fabric softener and make sure that you cover it with a lid. Leave it in a dry and cold place.

To use it you will need to add 2-3 tablespoons of it to the clothes. After you’ve added, you can rinse the clothes.