Unshrink Your Jeans With These Easy Steps

Jeans can be shrunk in the dryer because heat causes shrinkage. The material naturally constricts and shrinks when it is exposed to heat. However, this happens to poly-bend jeans more because they have a softer texture with extra stretch. You can unshrink your jeans using any of the following tips: Jump in the tub This old...

Forget About Hygge and Start Living Your Ikigai

The culture and lifestyle of people like Scandinavia and Japan have been spreading rapidly all over the world in the past several years. It seems like everybody wants a little bit of hygge in their life, but fewer people are familiar with ikigai, and that's what we're talking about today. Some claim that ikigai is...

Get on Trend with “Red Wine Hair” This Christmas

Red Wine colored hair is the hair to have this Christmas. Merlot colored hair is popping up all over Instagram. It is a deep, brunette red with lush cherry undertones. The best thing about the color is that it doesn't require bleach so it super easy to maintain. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bb7hIBZgUjD/ If you prefer darker tones, blackberry hair is...

How to Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain

Holiday weight gain is a real thing, people! Having to go through the festive season without eating all the delicious meals served on the table is a real struggle. But, we come to the rescue. We bring you the best tips on how to avoid this unexpected and unwanted weight gain. No More White Baked...

Fruits to Look Out For Around the World

Depending on where you come from, your supply of exotic fruits might be limited. Even if you do have a wide variety, if you aren't living where the fruit is being grown, they will never taste the same. That's why it's so important when you're traveling to eat what's available around you and experience...