Here’s How Often You Should Replace Your Pillows

Most people can’t even imagine parting ways with their favorite pillow, because they got used to it over time. Unfortunately, pillows aren’t made to last forever, and we’re here to help you figure out if it’s time to replace yours.

There are many reasons why we stick to the same pillow for years, but changing the pillowcase and washing it on regular basis still isn’t enough. Keeping your pillows nice and clean will maximize their life span, but they’ll still end up losing shape over time.

There are no written rules when it comes to how often you should replace your pillow. Some of them come with five-year warranty, but experts still believe you should replace them once a year, depending on the material they’re made of.

You should also pay attention to the signs your body is giving you. If you’re waking up sore and tired and dealing with neck pain on a regular basis, your pillow may be the reason why.

Before making the final verdict, you can do this quick test. Fold your pillow in half, and if it doesn’t spring back to its original shape, it’s time to throw it away.