Reasons Your Skin is so Dry – and How to Fix it

Photo by Andrei Lazarev on Unsplash

Dry skin can be very problematic. Usually, people would turn to moisturizers in order to hydrate their skin and reduce the dryness. Before you start searching for a product to moisturize your skin though, you need to know the cause or the reasons behind the dryness.

You use a setting spray

A lot of experts recommend that you use a setting spray after applying makeup. But keep in mind that not all setting sprays are good for you. This is because most of them contain alcohol as one of the main ingredients. Because of this, using the spray may cause dryness of the skin as well as irritation

You use an anti-aging product which contains retinol

Although retinol is a common ingredient of anti-aging products, it has some potential negative side effects. One common side effect is developing a dry and flaky skin. So check the label of your product before you use it on your face.

You use a face wash that dries out the skin

Another product’s label for you to check is your face wash. There are some cleansers out there which, though effective, may strip off the necessary oils of the skin while cleansing the face of toxins and impurities.