How to Safely Remove Gel Nails

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Gel nails are fantastic. They’re a great alternative to acrylic nails because you don’t have to worry about them chipping or coming off. Your nails will look perfectly polished each day and you won’t have to worry about them for weeks.

When those worry-free few weeks have passed, however, you begrudgingly realize it’s time to take them off. Peeling off gel nails leaves you with rigged nails underneath, which are not a good look.

Luckily, there are ways to get the gels off at home without having to worry about your nails suffering from the dreaded peel.

Step One: Buffer

First, gently buffer the top of your nails to remove the topcoat seal on the gels.

Step Two: Nail Polish Wrap

Cut your cotton pads into ten small squares and soak them in an acetone-based nail polish remover. Next, apply each to a nail and use tin foil to secure them in place. Wait 10-15 minutes for the acetone to work its magic.

Step Three: Peel Away

By now, your gels will be softened and you should be able to peel or slide them off with ease.

Step Four: Replenish

Your gels have been effortlessly removed, but it’s time to nourish them. Soak them in a replenishing oil such as almond oil to help them make a full recovery.

Step Five: More gels!