Japanese Soufflé Pancakes Are Taking Over New York

Some of the biggest food trends in the world emerged on the streets of New York, and the latest dessert craze coming from Big Apple is so fluffy and adorable you couldn’t resist it even if you tried.

Soufflé pancakes made their way to NYC after the insanely popular Lower East Side soft-serve shop Taiyaki put them on the map. This gravity-defying treat may be new to New Yorkers, but it actually originates from Japan, and Taiyaki isn’t the first place to start serving it.

London’s Fuwa Fuwa and Los Angeles café Souffle’s also tried to popularize this trend, which eventually found its way to the masses in New York. In addition to being delicious, this hit desert proved to be extremely Instagram-friendly, and over 45,000 people posted photos of their soufflé pancakes to this date.

It’s not difficult to see why people can’t resist this wobbly delicacy. They’re surprisingly thick from the outside, but owe their fluffy structure to egg-white-heavy batter used in their creation. They can be beautifully decorated, and if you happen to buy one at Taiyaki’s, you’ll also get a miniature fish cake as garnish.