Spending Too Much Time on Instagram? Here’s How to Stop

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

If you find yourself scrolling through Instagram more often than you’d like to, you’re not the only one, but there are many ways to stop using this addictive app too frequently.

Messaging Apps

Avoid using Instagram to text your friends and family, and switch to other messaging apps instead. Even if you spend the same amount of time texting, you won’t feel the urge to scroll through your timeline and check other people’s stories every time you open the app.

Time Limit

Even the masterminds behind Instagram know we’re all using it way too much, and they apparently want to help us out. This app allows you to set a daily limit of time spent on Instagram, and you’ll get a notification once you cross this number.

Useful Apps

Spending time on your phone doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, as long as you’re putting it to some good use. Instead of mindlessly crossing through Instagram, you can always watch an episode of your favorite show, or read a book that’s been on your wish list forever.