The Exact Order You Should Apply Makeup

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Applying makeup is a skill and it takes time to learn how to do it properly. Since we’re all different and different things work on us, you simply can’t avoid a period of trial and error until you understand what looks best on you. For example, is there a right order for applying different products or is it all arbitrary? If you’re unsure about the step order, we have a short guide for you, but don’t feel like it’s the only right way to do it. Whatever works for you is cool!

Step 1 – Skincare

This is a crucial step that you should never miss if you want your skin to look nice throughout the day.

Step 2 – Primer

This one is optional, but if you do use it, do it now.

Step 3 – Eyes

This may be surprising but it actually makes sense. If you do your eye makeup now, you can clean up under the eyes before applying complexion products.

Step 4 – Foundation

Now is the perfect time to even out your complexion with a foundation.

Step 5 – Concealer

Apply it after foundation rather than before it, so you won’t have to cover up as much with it – foundation will even out most of the imperfections.

Step 6 – Bronzer/Blush/Highlighter

You may add some color, contouring, and shine now.

Step 7 – Lips

Unless you’re basing your whole look on lip color, feel free to leave lipstick for the end.

Step 8 – Setting Powder/Setting Spray

These are the products designed to keep your makeup in place longer, so apply whichever you use when you’re completely done.