The Perks of Using Credit Cards While Traveling

Cash is always an obvious paying method when we’re traveling – it’s easy and everyone accepts the local currency. Also, financing your entire trip with cash is not the smartest idea and more experienced travelers know they should always bring a credit card with them. Here’s why.


Most travel credit cards come with travel insurance, which is very convenient if you’re an avid traveler. This means you can potentially save a lot of money and avoid trouble in case of emergencies.

Better exchange rates               

Credit cards usually provide better exchange rates than any other exchange kiosk or ATMs. Exchanging currency in cash will always cost you some money and by using no-foreign-transaction-fee cards, you can save up to 9%.

It’s more convenient

Let’s face it – it’s much more convenient to carry a thin plastic card than cash. Also, there’s no need to go to a foreign currency exchange center and it’s easier to keep track of your spending.

It’s safer

Losing your wallet or being robbed on a trip is very stressful, but it’s always better to lose your credit card than cash. You can easily block your credit card in case of theft and then replace it later while losing all your cash in a foreign country can be a huge problem.