These Are the Dirtiest Places in Your Home

Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash

Most of us try hard to keep our homes neat and clean, yet the dirt sometimes accumulates in places we don’t even think of. How long ago have you cleaned the following items?


Just think about it — you touch your phone all the time, wherever you are during the day. Your hands are not exactly clean after going grocery shopping or a train ride, so all that dirt ends up on your phone that you later put on your face.


Similarly, consider how dirty your laptop or external keyboard is with your fingers all over it all the time. It’s cleaning time!


It’s not enough to switch the pillowcases often; your pillows tend to get dirty despite them. Throw them in the washing machine every few months and don’t worry about them.

Toothbrush Holder

If you keep your toothbrush in a cup-like holder, you need to wash it regularly before the bacteria develop at its bottom.