These Are The Things You Should Never Store In The Bathroom

We often don’t even read the labels of products and items we use every single day. After reading this article, you will rethink the way you keep things and the ones you should never store in the bathroom.

Nail Polish

If you want the nail polish to last long, it has to be kept in a place with constant room temperature. The bathroom is not that spot.

Makeup Brushes

The bathroom is a place where you will find so many different types of germs. All of the bacteria can make its way to the makeup brushes, so you should definitely avoid keeping them in this room. It is common knowledge that brushes should be very clean before you put them on the face.


Jewelry is something you do not want to store in the bathroom. It is a wet and humid room that can cause oxidation of your earrings, necklaces, bracelets and more.


The problem with medication is the fact that the bathroom can be extremely humid. It can affect the ingredients and also interfere with the life span. That is why the smartest idea is to always store them in the kitchen. There are medication which you will need to also keep in the fridge.