These Small Changes Will Bring More Fresh Air into Your Home

Photo by Tina Dawson on Unsplash

Who wouldn’t like more fresh air at home? We have the best tips that you can easily apply to get cleaner air and feel more comfortable when you’re not going out.

Get Air Purifying Plants

Plants are your best chance to purify the air inside. They absorb harmful toxins and produce oxygen. Most of the time, they don’t require a lot of effort plus they look so nice!

Use the Extractor Fan

The extractor fan is a useful addition to any kitchen, especially if you don’t have a window you can open when cooking.

Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

If you can, make your own cleaning products using natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. They won’t make your home smell like chemicals.

Open the Windows

This depends on the location of your home, but if you have clean air outside, use every opportunity to open the windows and let your home breathe.