This 60-Second Rule For Washing Face is Going Viral

Finding an effective skincare routine that will result in perfectly smooth and glowing skin can be pretty difficult, but it’s not impossible. There are some pretty useful tricks that can help you clear your skin and give it that healthy, glowy look. One of them is a cleansing method that’s been trending lately, and it’s called the 60-second rule.

Esthetician Nayamka Roberts-Smith introduced this game-changing rule for washing your face when she advised her Twitter followers to wash their faces for 60 seconds straight. According to her, this is the time necessary for the ingredients to penetrate the skin and do their magic.

Roberts-Smith said in an interview with Cosmopolitan that makeup, dirt, and oil are a lot more difficult to remove from the skin than most people realize. “So not only do you want to give the cleanser a chance to break down and dissolve products and grime, but taking 60 seconds also makes you pay attention to your skin and what you’re doing—like remembering to cleanse around the edges of your nose, under your chin, and around your hairline.”

Her advice sounds more than obvious until you really sit and think about how long you actually clean your face before going to bed. Even though we hate to admit this, most of us spend 15 seconds washing our face, and according to Roberts-Smith, this is not as nearly as long as we should.

This 60-second rule is now going viral because many girls who’ve tried it said it actually works, so it’s probably worth a try.