Tips That Will Help You Wax at Home Like a Pro

Photo by taylor hernandez on Unsplash

Spending money on cosmeticians every single month can be a huge expense. That’s why so many women decide to wax at home. In order to do that you should definitely be familiar with the dos and don’ts.

Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

A very important step that you are probably skipping is exfoliating. This should be a gentle exfoliating before the waxing that will really help the process. It will also ease the pain. Grab your favorite exfoliate and do it a day or two before you use the waxing kit. This step will open up the follicles, which means that the hair will be removed with less pain.

Ease the Pain With Ice

There are always those sensitive areas on the body that hurt like hell. One of the smartest tricks in the book when you wax at home is to ease the pain by putting ice on those parts.

Know When to Do it

That time of the month is the week when you don’t want to wax. The hormone changes will increase the pain, so the experience will be much worse.


Aftercare is just as important as the waxing process. Be very gentle with your skin after you’re done. The best advice you’ll ever get is to use body oil to hydrate and also remove all the wax remains on the skin.