Turn Your Old Crayons into Amazing DIY Projects!

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Whether you just went through your childhood room or your kid has broken all of the ones you’ve bought them, there are always crayons around that cannot be used anymore.

Instead of throwing them away, you can actually make them into new DIY projects! They’re really fun and easy to make and are also kid-friendly, so why not give it a go!

Crayon Candles

If you want to make candles at home, there’s no better solution than crayons. Crayons are made out of wax so it’s only natural to make them into candles! They also melt easily, and if you have a variety of colors they can make super customizable candles.

There are many different ways to make candles. For one method, you can just break them up and melt them straight into old cupcake tin in the oven and then put in a wick and cool.

You can also melt them on the stove in an old pot and then pour them into jars with a wick in them.

New Crayons

If your kids are still using crayons, melt them down and make them into crayons again so you don’t have to buy more!

Use the stove, the cupcake tin method or even a slow cooker to melt them down, and then pour them into any sort of mold, even a silicon ice cube tray would work!