Unhealthy Bedtime Rituals You Should Ditch ASAP

Photo by Victor Hughes on Unsplash

Developing a healthy bedtime routine is extremely important since lack of sleep can sabotage other areas of your life. If you’re struggling to get proper rest and feel tired every morning, here’s a couple of habits you could do without.

Checking Your Phone

Most people can’t imagine falling asleep without checking their phone first. It’s a common, but an extremely bad habit, since the light from the screen will keep you awake longer than you were planning to.

Late-Night Workouts

Exercising sends a signal to your body that it’s time to be awake and active. If you’re struggling to fall asleep after your late-night workouts, you should probably schedule them at some other time.  


Eating and Drinking

You should always give yourself a couple of hours between dinner and bedtime, so your body would have enough time to digest food and burn calories. You should also avoid alcohol since it has a tendency to negatively affect your sleep cycle.