What Is Your Self-Love Love Language?

Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

In his 1992 book titled The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, Gary Chapman described five ways to express love for other people:

  • Physical touch 
  • Words of affirmation 
  • Acts of service 
  • Receiving gifts 
  • Quality time

There are quizzes available online that you can do to learn what is your primary love language. But what about self-love? The way you show love to yourself is just as important as the way of showing love to a loved one. Here’s how to express love for yourself based on what’s your primary love language.

Physical Touch

Do things that make you feel better physically – book a massage hit the gym, or take a bath.

Words of Affirmation

Encourage yourself with words and messages – write yourself a love letter, create a daily mantra, openly talk to yourself.

Acts of Service

Do things for yourself that will help you now or in the future – make a doctors appointment, delegate work, clean your home, etc.

Receiving Gifts

Buy yourself that new pair of jeans you’ve been needing for months, wear that dress you’ve been saving for a special occasion, use the sheet masks you bought last month.

Quality Time

Spending quality time with yourself can mean a lot of things, from decluttering your closet to taking yourself for a coffee or a movie you want to see.