3 Ingredients You Don’t Want On Your Pizza

Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

When you ask people what’s their favorite food, most would answer it’s pizza. It’s clear why that is – you can make it however you like it, mixing and matching ingredients until you reach your favorite combination. Still, there are some things you shouldn’t put on pizza ever. Here they are.

Citrus Fruits

Dairy and citrus fruits don’t go well together, and your pizza probably has cheese on it. It will look bad and taste awful, so you’re better off not putting lemons and oranges on pizza.


You may love to add some mayo on top of your pizza slice, but you’re really just adding unnecessary fat. There’s plenty of cheese on it already.


You may be tempted to make your pizza healthier by adding vegetables, but lettuce is one of the worst choices you can make. It doesn’t react well to heat and it will just ruin your delicious pizza.