Air Sick? Here’s How You Can Avoid it

Photo by Margo Brodowicz on Unsplash

You love to travel, but you are dealing with airsickness? Don’t worry! It is surely not the reason to cancel your dream journey. Instead of poisoning yourself with drugs, you should try these tricks that will help you to prevent airsickness.

Choose the right seat

If you already know that you might get airsick, choose the seat over the wings or in the front of the plane. These are two places where you will slightly feel the motion during the flight.  Also, sitting by the window will allow you to focus on the horizon, and not on your sickness.

Do not read nor play hand-held games

Reading or playing games on your phone or tablet could be the indicators to your airsickness. Focusing on something closer to your face and eyes sends confused motion signals to your brain. Instead, listen to music or audiobooks.

Have a good sleep before the flight

Instead of late night partying, make sure to get plenty of rest. The more rested you are, the less likely you’ll get sick.

Eat light before the flight

Do not eat heavy meals before your flight. Instead of greasy, spicy food, try eating smaller and healthy meals which won’t make your stomach flip. Also, avoid drinking any type of alcohol. The best beverage while flying is the flavored water.

Adjust the air vents

Breathing fresh air will help you to relax and also it will prevent you from getting hot.