Bobby Pins Are Useful For More Than Just Hairstyles

Bobby pins are those small hair clips that are perfect for getting your bangs out of your face, pinning up those baby hairs, and more. However, did you do know that bobby pins actually have a lot more uses that go beyond hair? If you’re ever in a bind, a bobby pin can go a long way.

Sleeve Creases

If you have a short sleeve shirt that has already slightly folded sleeves, you might find that when you wash it the crease can get crooked. Instead of ironing it flat, all you have to do is hang dry it with some bobby pins! Just slide the bobby pins onto the sleeve where it needs to stay flat the most, and take them off once the shirt has dried!


If you don’t have a tie clip handy all you need is a bobby pin or two! It works in the same way and your tie will lay flat and smartly.


For people who don’t like to waste a single drop of toothpaste, this is the trick for you! Instead of killing your fingers trying to get out every last drop, just stick a bobby pin at the end of the tube and use it to push up all the paste to the top.