Easy Ways You Can Help Save the Bees

Photo by Patrick Brinksma on Unsplash

Bees are dying in massive numbers, and without them, whole eco-systems and food production can be devastated. While there needs to be large scale legislation put in place to protect bees, there are also things you can do in your everyday life to help out.

Native Flowers

If you have a backyard or somewhere you can plant flowers, do it! The best thing for bees is to have is proper, local nutrition, so by planting flowers that are native to your area, you can help them pollinate and get in their nutrition!


Just like any other animal, bees need water to drink. An easy way to quench their thirst is by putting out a bowl or plate of water for them to drink from. To stop them from drowning in it, put some twigs or corks for them land onto, and make sure to change the water once a week to keep mosquitoes away.

Buy Local

Buying local produce is not only good for the farmers, but it’s good for the bees too! Industrial strength and even common gardening pesticides are both really harmful to bees, and can even kill a queen bee, which is terrifying. Local farmers who grow organic foods won’t be using them, so the food is safer for the bees and for you.