Fun Ways To Get Around a City Besides Taxis

Photo by Patricia Jekki on Unsplash

If you’re in a new place for the first time, it’s easiest to hop in a cab and get to where you want to go. However, by doing this you are missing out on so many experiences that you can only have by using alternative modes of transportation. Not only that, but you can really rack up a bill by only using cabs. Here are some fun ways to get around when you’re traveling in a city that you should definitely consider.


There are many electric scooter rental and sharing companies now like Bird, and it is a super fun way to zip around a new place! Although it can be a bit dangerous, if you use them caution it is so worth it.

Bike Sharing

A lot of cities have bake sharing on the streets or will have Mobikes around, so biking in a new place could not be easier! This is a great way to not only see the city but get exercise while you do it.

Public Transport

Some cities have really excellent buses, trains, and trams, and normally you can get a few days passes that are very affordable! If you’re worried about getting lost, you can always look at a map that is posted at most stops.