How to Get the Most of Your Space in a Rented Home

Photo by Grant on Unsplash

Modifying a space you’re renting requires creativity and fresh thinking. It can be pretty useful to see how other people are doing it, and today we’re covering the topic of getting the most space in the rental.

Smart Bed Solutions

While a twin-sized bed can be very comfortable, there are other solutions that will provide you a support during the night but won’t take so much space. One option is a Murphy bed that mounts onto a wall so it can be lifted during the day. You can also go for a sofa bed if your living room is also a bedroom.

Wall Mounting

Make sure your landlord is fine with holes in the wall and start mounting everything you can! From TV to shelves and lamps, the more wall space you use the more floor space you’ll be left with.

Baskets and Boxes

These magical containers can easily blend into your shelves, go under the bed or on top of the wardrobe. Stores carry all kinds of baskets and boxes so you can pick according to your needs.