How Often Should You Change Your Towels?

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

A lot of people don’t think about changing out towels as much as they should. Towels are a breeding ground for all sorts of germs, since often times when we use them to dry our hands, bodies, or kitchenware they’re not totally clean. Also, wet material in general is a place where bacteria loves to live, so you really should be washing your towels more.

Hand Towels

If you have a big family or a lot of people living in your home, you should actually be changing your hand towels every 1-2 days. Since they’re used so many times and can get saturated with water quickly, these types of towels need to be changed out more often. This also goes for any hand towels you have in the kitchen. Also, if someone in your house is sick, it’s better to just use paper towels since you should be changing them every time they wash their hands to stop the sickness from spreading.

Bath Towels

Bath towels are a little bit different because they go by how many times they’ve been used, not just the number of days. A good rule of thumb is to wash your bath towels after you use them 3-4 times. Make sure when you wash them though to use high-temperature water to kill all the germs.