How to Start Living a Slower Paced Life

Photo by Aki Tolentino on Unsplash

Whether you have a demanding job or just a lot of activities or responsibilities on your plate, a lot of people spend their days rushing around, unable to stop and take a breath. If you are fed up of this lifestyle and want to try living more slowly, try practicing these habits and see if it makes a difference.


Meals are often a time where we zoom through life. Sometimes we eat while we work, or sometimes we forget to eat altogether. To combat this unhealthy and unsatisfying way to live, try to start setting aside time for you to eat and only eat. Whether that’s 10 minutes or half an hour, dedicating time to eating each of your meals is really important.


Slowing your breathing will make you feel more present and calm in your day-to-day life. Set reminders on your phone a couple of times a day to stop, take even 1 minute to just sit there and breath deeply.


Technology is something that does not promote a healthy, slow-paced lifestyle. Everything is fast and at your fingertips, so try to minimize the times where you’re on your phone and instead, take that time to do a fun hobby or to connect with loved ones.