If You Have Dry or Oily Skin, Here Are the Essential Oils For You


Essential oils are the condensed extracts from all sorts of plants, herbs, fruits, and more. They can help with both external and internal problems, especially with skin problems. If you have oily skin you might think it’s strange that another oil could help your skin, but actually one of the reasons your face might be oily is because your skin thinks your skin is dry so it’s producing too much oil. So, if you want to combat your skin for good, look to these oils.

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is great for oily faces because it’s astringent and it basically makes your skin cells contract and produce less sebum, or oil. You can put it in a spray bottle with some water and spray before you put on your moisturizer.


The oil made from the cedar tree bark is actually an essential oil good for both oily and dry skin. You can also use it on your scalp if you have an oily scalp. The best way to apply it is to make it into a cleanser with some castille soap and water.



Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils, but it’s also great for dry or irritated skin because it soothes it with it’s natural composition. You can put this right into your existing moisturizer.
