How To Make Lemon And Baking Soda Face Mask

Photo by xing cheng on Unsplash

If you are an adventurer or driven by the wanderlust to go out and spend every day in the sun and the dirt, then you need a face mask to clean your face afterward.

This skin care product helps in minimizing blackheads, whiteheads, oily skin, pimples etc. Here is how you can make a simple lemon and baking soda mask:

  • Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with the two tablespoons of baking soda. Baking soda will react with lemon juice so you can expect it to fizz a lot. Keep mixing until you get a runny, pale yellow paste.
  • Use this paste to rub all over your face and neck (you should avoid your eyes). Scrub all the oily parts on your face. You will feel a bit of a tingle because baking soda reacts all the time.
  • Keep this mixture on your face for no more than 15 minutes to avoid redness. Use a warm and wet washcloth to wipe the mask off your face.

You can also use lemon and baking soda mask with honey. Just add one teaspoon of raw, organic honey with the same amount of baking soda and lemon juice. Honey is a really good antibacterial substance that helps in eliminating all the bad bacteria that reside in the pores of your skin. It is also good as a skin moisturizer.