Natural, Simple DIY Dishwasher Detergent

All those dishwasher soaps available in markets can contain so many chemicals. If you love DIY recipes, you can always try our natural dishwasher detergent. Read the recipe below, and you’ll see how great it is.


For this natural liquid dishwasher detergent, you’ll need the following ingredients: 1/2 cup Borax, 1 cup water, 1 cup salt, 10 drops grapefruit essential oil, 1/2 cup washing soda, 5 drops thyme essential oil. As you can see all of them are harmless and very easy to find.


After you get all the ingredients, find a jar or a bottle where you’ll keep the dishwasher detergent. Also get a large bowl, to prepare it in. Pour all the ingredients in the bowl and mix them to get a nice consistency. Try to break up all the clumps that will form. They will not affect the efficiency of the detergent at all. Pour it in the jar, and cover it with a lid. The recommended dose is two tablespoons for every load. Keep it in a dark and cool spot. That is probably the fastest DIY recipe you’ve ever seen. Now you don’t have to worry about chemicals anymore. Instead, wash your dishes with a natural product that also has an amazing smell.