Need a Ton of Ice For a Party? This Method is for You!

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

Whether you’re having a family dinner, huge summer blow out, or a party on the beach, every party needs ice. You could go to a gas station and spend the money on big bags of ice, but that’s a huge waste of time, space, and money. Instead, you can make a ton of ice at home super easy and for free! All you need are a few big stainless steel bowls and you’re set to make the coolest looking ice.

First, take out as many stainless steels bowls as you need. You can also vary the sizes of the bowls if you want different sizes of ice, depending on where you’ll be using them. If you want to make a big bowl of punch of any other cocktails in a bowl, then use a fairly large one. If you’re using it in a cooler, you might want to do a few smaller or medium-sized ones.

Then, just pour water into them and allow them to freeze overnight. To get the ice out, all you have to do is thaw them on the counter for a few minutes and they’ll slip right out of the bowl! Now you can party on!