gluten Archives - Beautiful Trends Today Sun, 28 Apr 2019 13:56:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Four Myths About Gluten Sat, 11 May 2019 08:37:10 +0000 Most of us had no idea what gluten was a few years ago and here we are today, trying to avoid it at all cost. But what is gluten exactly and is it really so harmful? Turns out, only 1% of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by gluten. […]

The post Four Myths About Gluten appeared first on Beautiful Trends Today.

Most of us had no idea what gluten was a few years ago and here we are today, trying to avoid it at all cost. But what is gluten exactly and is it really so harmful?

Turns out, only 1% of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by gluten. But the word has spread that gluten is also bad for the rest of us. These are some common myths about it.

There’s More Gluten in Wheat Today

Even though it’s tempting to blame the giant companies for everything, including gluten levels in our wheat, this is not exactly true.

It’s Complicated to Avoid Gluten

Not really. Well, you’ll have to stay away from wheat bread, but many foods don’t have any gluten in them including meats, vegetables, fruits, fish, milk, nuts, herbs, oils, etc.

You Can Lose Weight by Eliminating Gluten

You’ll lose weight if you eat less calories than you need, and specific eating habits have nothing to do with that.

You’ll Have More Energy If You Eliminate Gluten

No studies have found that there’s a link between the gluten-free diet and having more energy. The best you can hope for is a placebo effect.

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I’ve always been fascinated by Turkish culture and the Turkish cuisine since I absolutely adore it. I decided to make traditional Turkish bread called “simit” and honestly it has the best crunch on the outside and the best softness in the inside which makes a perfect combination for bread. However I wanted to add my little Moroccan touch which was Moroccan mint tea because I like mixing my Moroccan cultural food into different cultural cuisines 🍵🥖🥖💞. • • • #food #foodie #foodies #foodlove #lovefood #turkish #turkishbread #morocco #moroccanminttea #minttea #breakfast #goodmorning #morning #weekend #mtl #mtlfood #turkey #insta #instagood #instafood #photo #photooftheday #pic #tea #foods #instagram #bread #baking #baked 🌹أشرقت أنوار الصّباح.. وفتحت النّوافذ فقبّلتني الشّمس بأشعّتها الذهبيّة.. فأحسست بأنّها ألقت عليّ بظلالها أنواراً من الأمل والتفاؤل بنهار إن شاء الله يكون جميلاّ ومشرقاّ لي ولكُم أحبّائي🌹 طريقة السميت التركي: في العجانة او في إناء خاص بالعجن نضع: 4 أكواب من الدقيق ملعقة كبيرة سكر ملعقة صغيرة ملح او حسب الذوق ملعقة كبيرة خميرة الخبز ملعقتين كبيرتين يوغورت طبيعي ملعقتين كبيرتين زيت زيتون كوب من الماء الدافئ تعجن جميع المكونات جيدا اذا احتجتو قليل من الماء ممكن إضافته حسب نوع الدقيق ثم يترك العجين يرتاح لمدة 45 دقيقة الى ساعة تقريبا . بعد ذلك نشكله كويرات متوسطة الحجم نفرد كل حبتين بشكل طولي ثم نلفهما حول بعض ثم نمررها في ربع كوب من العسل الأسود (اذا متوفر انا استخدمت العسل العادي) مخلط مع ملعقتين كبيرتين ماء دافئ وبعد بعد ذلك نمررها في سمسم، ترك السميت يختمر ثم ندخله الفرن مسخن على درجة حرارة 180 درجة حتى يتحمر وصحة وهنا💞.

A post shared by Lujy&Rumy🇨🇦 (@lujayn_rumy) on

The post Four Myths About Gluten appeared first on Beautiful Trends Today.

ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> gluten Archives - Beautiful Trends Today Sun, 28 Apr 2019 13:56:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Four Myths About Gluten Sat, 11 May 2019 08:37:10 +0000 Most of us had no idea what gluten was a few years ago and here we are today, trying to avoid it at all cost. But what is gluten exactly and is it really so harmful? Turns out, only 1% of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by gluten. […]

The post Four Myths About Gluten appeared first on Beautiful Trends Today.

Most of us had no idea what gluten was a few years ago and here we are today, trying to avoid it at all cost. But what is gluten exactly and is it really so harmful?

Turns out, only 1% of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by gluten. But the word has spread that gluten is also bad for the rest of us. These are some common myths about it.

There’s More Gluten in Wheat Today

Even though it’s tempting to blame the giant companies for everything, including gluten levels in our wheat, this is not exactly true.

It’s Complicated to Avoid Gluten

Not really. Well, you’ll have to stay away from wheat bread, but many foods don’t have any gluten in them including meats, vegetables, fruits, fish, milk, nuts, herbs, oils, etc.

You Can Lose Weight by Eliminating Gluten

You’ll lose weight if you eat less calories than you need, and specific eating habits have nothing to do with that.

You’ll Have More Energy If You Eliminate Gluten

No studies have found that there’s a link between the gluten-free diet and having more energy. The best you can hope for is a placebo effect.

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I’ve always been fascinated by Turkish culture and the Turkish cuisine since I absolutely adore it. I decided to make traditional Turkish bread called “simit” and honestly it has the best crunch on the outside and the best softness in the inside which makes a perfect combination for bread. However I wanted to add my little Moroccan touch which was Moroccan mint tea because I like mixing my Moroccan cultural food into different cultural cuisines 🍵🥖🥖💞. • • • #food #foodie #foodies #foodlove #lovefood #turkish #turkishbread #morocco #moroccanminttea #minttea #breakfast #goodmorning #morning #weekend #mtl #mtlfood #turkey #insta #instagood #instafood #photo #photooftheday #pic #tea #foods #instagram #bread #baking #baked 🌹أشرقت أنوار الصّباح.. وفتحت النّوافذ فقبّلتني الشّمس بأشعّتها الذهبيّة.. فأحسست بأنّها ألقت عليّ بظلالها أنواراً من الأمل والتفاؤل بنهار إن شاء الله يكون جميلاّ ومشرقاّ لي ولكُم أحبّائي🌹 طريقة السميت التركي: في العجانة او في إناء خاص بالعجن نضع: 4 أكواب من الدقيق ملعقة كبيرة سكر ملعقة صغيرة ملح او حسب الذوق ملعقة كبيرة خميرة الخبز ملعقتين كبيرتين يوغورت طبيعي ملعقتين كبيرتين زيت زيتون كوب من الماء الدافئ تعجن جميع المكونات جيدا اذا احتجتو قليل من الماء ممكن إضافته حسب نوع الدقيق ثم يترك العجين يرتاح لمدة 45 دقيقة الى ساعة تقريبا . بعد ذلك نشكله كويرات متوسطة الحجم نفرد كل حبتين بشكل طولي ثم نلفهما حول بعض ثم نمررها في ربع كوب من العسل الأسود (اذا متوفر انا استخدمت العسل العادي) مخلط مع ملعقتين كبيرتين ماء دافئ وبعد بعد ذلك نمررها في سمسم، ترك السميت يختمر ثم ندخله الفرن مسخن على درجة حرارة 180 درجة حتى يتحمر وصحة وهنا💞.

A post shared by Lujy&Rumy🇨🇦 (@lujayn_rumy) on

The post Four Myths About Gluten appeared first on Beautiful Trends Today.
