The Lazy Way to KonMari Your Home

In 2012, Japanese author Marie Kondo published The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and completely changed the way we see clutter in our homes.

Now, Kondo’s cleaning and tidying up methods are being popularized again with her show on Netflix.

Many people, however, simply don’t have enough time to devote several days or weeks to this project. Is there any simpler and quicker way to KonMari your home?

There are a few things you can do to slowly but steadily bring your home to perfection, KonMari style. First, let’s look at the basic principles from her book: you should only keep things that spark joy in you and everything needs to have a home. She advises to work through your possessions by categories in a specific order, but you can modify that if it makes the job easier.

For example, the first category you should tackle, according to Kondo, is clothes. She advises to gather every single item of clothing in one place and go through all of them. If you don’t have time to do this at once, try dividing the clothes into smaller categories and working on one at a time.

Another thing you can do to make the job easier is to not do it yourself. Get your family or roommates to help! That way you’ll all be involved in tidying up the space you live in, which means you will probably keep it tidy for a longer time.