You Can Now Buy the Earrings Worn By The Ladies Of “The Favourite”

Emma Stone and Olivia Colman in "The Favourite"

You know those gorgeous pearl earrings Emma Stone, Olivia Coleman, and Rachel Weiz wore in the Oscar-winning sensation The Favourite? You can now buy them in store.

After Vogue wrote about the stunning chandelier pearl-drop earrings, the costume designer of the movie wrote in to say that it was she who was responsible for the delicate embelishment.

“It’s the most satisfying creative project I’ve ever done,” costume designer Vicki Sarge told Vogue. “Sandy [costume designer] was a dream to work with. A lot of the time when you make pieces for a film they don’t end up in shot. So I couldn’t believe it when they featured so heavily all the way through.”

Sarge created the earrings with Ericson Beamon and has now re-created them using Swarovski crystals and pearls. You can buy the product in store at Belgravia, London.