2018’s Health Trends to Forget About

Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

Each year brings new trends people go crazy over. In the past year, we’ve been witnesses of some of the weirdest trends that got plenty of raves. These are the 2018 health trends you have to forget about in 2019.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a thing of the past. All those products that promise a huge change in your skin, teeth and even your stomach, are under a huge question mark. None of the studies so far have shown that activated charcoal does what beauty companies say that it does.

Ear Candling

Why do it at home, when you can visit a professional? Ear candling is one of the most ridiculous 2018 health trends that makes almost no sense. It can cause more damage than good.

Appetite-Suppression Lollipops

After Kim Kardashian posted a photo of her licking appetite-suppression lollipops the whole world went crazy over them. That doesn’t mean these lollipops actually do the job. They are a part of those 2018 health trends you want to forget about. These products are not certified by the FDA.

Intermittent Fasting

If you practice this, the chances are that everything you’ve read is not even close to the truth. All the scientists say that there are no big benefits from intermittent fasting, so why not try a better way to lose weight and be healthier?
