Best Indoor Plants to Clean The Air In Your Home

If you’re looking to remove toxins and improve air quality in your home or office, you might want to consider buying some plants that’ll help you in your mission. These plants are great air- purifiers and most of them are very easy to grow, even for beginners.

Devil’s Ivy

This tropical plant will fight off all household toxins and it’s also very easy to grow. Aside from being a great air-purifier, Devil’s Ivy is also a perfect decoration for your home.

Garden Mum

According to NASA research, this plant removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from air, which makes it the best plant to keep indoors if you want clean air. It’s a bit more difficult to grow, so it’s not really for beginner gardeners.


Dracaena is one of the most popular indoor plants thanks to its gorgeous long leaves with red or white lines. There are over 40 different kinds of this plant you can choose from. However, pet owners should be careful, as it’s poisonous to cats and dogs.

Spider Plant

This plant is perfect for beginner gardeners, as it’s one of the easiest houseplants to grow. It loves indirect light, but can survive in just about any condition.