Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When Baking Cookies

Baking cookies seems pretty easy until you actually try to make them and then realize that they’re too hard, too crumbly, or too flat. These are the most common cookie baking mistakes that every beginner makes.

Overworking Your Dough

This happens quite often, especially with rolled cookies where you have to roll out the dough a few times. To avoid overworking your dough, you should roll it as little, and as gently as you can.

Measuring Your Flour Incorrectly

Proper measuring is the most important part of successful baking. Using too much flour is going to make your cookies dry and tough and you certainly don’t want that.  To avoid this, use a digital scale instead of measuring cups.

Using a Dark Baking Pan

Most people don’t know this, but the color of your baking pan is also important for successful baking. Dark baking pans absorb more heat, which can easily make your cookies burn. To avoid this, use a lighter baking pan next time.

Your Butter is Too Cold or Soft

Butter plays an important role in making a great cookie dough. Be careful not to use butter straight from the fridge, but it shouldn’t be too soft either. It’s best to let it sit out for 15 minutes before creaming.