Common Reasons for Hair Loss

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Every day, you lose more than a hundred strands of hair, but it may look like there is more tangled hair in your comb. Shedding is quite normal in such cases but may become worse when some factors come into play. They include:

Emotional or physical stress

You can experience shedding if you’re stressed emotionally or physically. Changing a job, undergoing a divorce, moving, accident or trauma are some examples of stressors that can cause shedding.


Hair also changes during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. This is because women experience an increase in hormones during pregnancy and this offers a favorable environment for the baby. When the baby comes, the hormones drop, and this leads to excessive and sudden hair loss for months.


Seasons affect hair fullness as well. Hair can be thicker during winter but less full in summer. Hair also grows more in the first two months of the year and sheds more during summer and fall.


Aging is another factor that causes hair loss. The human hair begins to age after 3 and half decades. It occurs in both men and women but may be more pronounced in men.


Your diet plays a role in hair growth and strength. Lacking carbs for a long time may cause more shedding. So stick to a nutrient-rich and balanced diet for healthier hair. Also, try to reduce the use of heat for styling or coloring the hair as these can stress your hair.