The Easiest Way To Make Your Own Lip Scrub

Image via Jakub Gorajek on Unsplash

Fall is coming and it brings all the chilliness, with it. It is the time of the year when you have to bring your skincare to a higher level, especially the care of your lips. They are made of skin that is soft and delicate and environmental factors such as cold weather, dry air, and wind exposure can cause them to crack.

There are many lip products that will save the day. For example, the Lush Exfoliating Lip Scrub is great for everyday use. However, there is a much cheaper option you can make at your own home.

All you need is an empty bottle, coconut oil (if you don’t like coconut, use olive oil, but in that case add the aroma you like), sugar and a teaspoon.

Combine all the ingredients, pour it into the bottle and voila! Say goodbye to ugly and cracked lips.

Regardless of the size of the bottle or the quantity you want to make, the proportion of the ingredients is always 1:1. Which means, one teaspoon of coconut oil corresponds to one cup of sugar.