Food That Will Help You Feel Less Bloated

No matter how healthy and fit we are, all of us can feel boated from time to time. It’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling, not to mention it can also be very painful. These foods will help you prevent and stop bloating at any time.

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✨BREAKFAST✨ #酸的烤箱料理 ▪️檸檬香料紙包魚 🔻材料 👉🏻鯛魚——2片 👉🏻橄欖油—2大匙 👉🏻蕃茄——四片 👉🏻檸檬——兩片 👉🏻蒜頭——三顆 👉🏻迷迭香—看你高興 👉🏻鹽———看你高興 👉🏻黑胡椒—看你高興 🔪START🔪 1⃣️鯛魚切除深紅色(腥味)的部分 2⃣️魚淋上橄欖油,撒上鹽、黑胡椒、迷迭香,按摩一下 3⃣️準備一張烘焙紙,蕃茄片鋪底,放上魚,最上面擺檸檬片,蒜頭放進去 4⃣️用烘焙紙整個包起來,邊緣捲緊 5⃣️烤箱先預熱190度10分鐘,放進去後再用200烤15分鐘,完成✨ (蔬菜也可以一起烤) – 昨天意外的去了vogue主辦的 #風格野餐日 (前一天朋友說了才知道🤣),有好多好吃好喝好玩的,重點是很多萌寵也都出來玩耍了,有~勾~可~艾~(◍ ´꒳` ◍) . 還有滿滿的野餐達人,一個個都在比美比浮誇,很想過去問可不可以給我參一咖(你哪位? . 雖然逛到腳好痠好累,但有時候還是要出門當個活人啦~ #料理写真 #均衡飲食 #健康飲食 #健康餐 #減脂 #減脂餐 #減脂料理 #紙包魚 #烤魚 #烤蔬菜 #檸檬紙包魚 #懶人料理 #酸的懶人料理 #homemade #healthyfoodrecipes #foodairy #foodgrams #foodphotography #instafood #foodlovers #2eat2gether #fish

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Yogurt is great for digestion, as it’s full of healthy bacteria or natural probiotics. If you’re not a fan of plain yogurt, you can always mix it with other ingredients such as canned pumpkin, natural peanut butter, or shredded coconut.


This tropical fruit is rich with bromelain, an enzyme that is believed to have various health benefits – improving digestion being one of them. Prepare a healthy and delicious pineapple dessert to get rid of that uncomfortable bloat.


This vegetable is rich with potassium and fiber that are great for our digestive system. The fiber will make you feel fuller for a longer time, which will also prevent bloating.


Ginger is famous as an anti-inflammatory food, but it also has debloating properties as well. There are numerous ways to add it to your diet – grate it into your marinade and topping or simply make a ginger tea or smoothie.