Here’s How to Avoid Impulse-shopping for Cosmetics

Photo by Chelsea London Phillips on Unsplash

Somehow, December always seems like a great time for a big shopping spree. Sales are everywhere and it’s easy to start thinking that you’ll miss out on a great deal if you don’t act now. Impulse shopping is a real thing and you probably find yourself putting products in the cart even though you don’t really need them.

Cosmetics and makeup products are especially easy to impulse buy and hoard because you always think you’ll use them up eventually. However, they don’t last forever and before you know it, you’ll have to throw them out because they expired.

Of course, when you buy all those products, you have to store them somewhere. Mess and clutter in your bathroom can be stressful, leading you to skip your skincare routine which totally defeats the purpose of buying the products in the first place.

What can you do? If you can relate to this story and have too many products clogging your bathroom, the first step is to start a “no shopping” week, month, or however long you can take. Instead of piling up more and more products, use up what you have. And when the time comes to go shopping again, go with a plan. Whenever you see something you want to have, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will I really use this or do I just want it?
  • Do I already have something similar at home?
  • Do I really need to buy a backup now?
  • Do I treat myself by shopping too often? Can I do something else to show self-care instead?

A clean shelf with nothing but the products you love and use will bring you joy every time you look at it.