Houseplants You Need To Buy if You Want a Healthier Life

Image via Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Adding plants to your workplace or living environment will definitely brighten up your room. However, their main use is not just decoration, they can have amazing benefits for your health as well. Putting a houseplant in a window or on a shelf helps to reduce stress level and gives you a clear, breathable air full of oxygen. Having these plants in your home will make your life much better.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily, also known as Spathiphyllum, is a magnificent air cleaner houseplant. According to the old wive’s tale, Spathiphyllum is often given as a good luck charm by a married woman to a single girl. However, this plant removes mold-spores from the air and harmful chemicals as well.

Aloe Vera

This amazing plant is not only good for healing minor cuts and burns, but it removes formaldehyde from the air you are breathing. Formaldehyde is a poisonous chemical which can be found in household cleaning products.

Bamboo Plant

Another good luck charm plant. However, the luck is doubled with this beautiful Asian plant: it gets rid of formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide etc. from the air.


Dracaena is a plant dangerous to your pets, especially cats. But, if you don’t have a fur roommate, feel free to buy this plant, it will remove all the toxic from a polluted air.