It’s True… Tie-Dye is Making a Comeback

Photo by Samantha Qeja on Unsplash

If you thought that tie-dye was for Grateful Dead fans, Californian former hippies and embarrassing pictures of your dad from the 90s, think again. At
New York Fashion Week, catwalk models showcased a collection of tie-dye prints and we all know what that means… Tie-dye is making a comeback.

Come Spring, you’ll be seeing tie-dye just about everywhere. The nostalgic trend will bring back the psychedelic prints and colors from your dad’s party shirt closet and all the trendiest influencers (from all genders) will be showing dads everywhere how it’s done.

If you have doubts, perhaps these gorgeous looks will give you some inspiration.

The Festival Look

Keep it casual with a loose tie-dye tee that’s ideal for festival season.

Keep it Chic

This time, when tie-dye comes back, it’s going to be chicer than ever. Jump suits and mini dresses are a super cute way to rock the trend.

Go Bold

Alternatively, you can always embrace the full on, psychedelic statement tie-dye look. If it’s good enough for the red carpet, it’s good enough for us.