Most Powerful Winter Superfoods You Should Be Eating

There is a way to boost your immune system during any time of the year. Superfoods are the foods that bring an impressive array of good nutrients in the diet. Let’s take a look at the best winter superfoods to upgrade your meals.


Ah, clementines! They always remind of winter. These delicious fruits are packed in Vitamin C. Citrus fruits are always the easiest way to beat the cold during these days.


There are so many types of squash you can opt for this season. They are all very nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals. These vegetables will give you the daily dose of Vitamins E, B6, A, C and more.

Red Capsicum

This is one of the winter superfoods you probably didn’t expect on the list. These peppers are also very rich in Vitamin C. They contain high levels of antioxidants, carotenoids, Vitamin A, calcium, iron and more. The best thing is that they are very low in calories and have almost no fat at all.


Once pomegranates appear at your local market, start buying them like crazy. These delicious fruits can improve your overall health. You can even add them in smoothies, juices, fruit salads and so much more.